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Woods Augusthus Carpet Project in  segment. Image1054
Woods Augusthus Carpet Project in  segment. Image1055
Woods Augusthus Carpet Project in  segment. Image1056
Woods Augusthus Carpet Project in  segment. Image1057
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Woods Augusthus






Woods Augusthus is a NYC warehouse-styled multifunctional house in Copenhagen, Denmark. It features a public café and restaurant, an office hotel, meeting rooms, coffee stations and a large convenient store on ground level. On the separate floor levels, the design offers a large degree of flexibility enabling smooth functional transitions over time. Woods Augusthus is DGNB Gold Certified.

The shared areas are fitted with generously sized rugs in various shapes. The interior designer has curated the rug patterns from Industrial Landscape by Tom Dixon. And while some rugs fit into the delicate tone-on-tone interiors, others are chosen for their ability to create interesting colour contrasts to furniture and architectural materials.